My name in numerology
My name in numerology

my name in numerology

Since these are personal lessons, chances are you’ll experience challenges with the following themes: You may struggle with being combative, childish, or ego-centered. Remember, you’re a double 1 – which is all about leadership and confidence –and yet also a 2 – all about harmony and love. Your special lesson – on top of the lessons outlined by the number 2 – is to recognize and use your creativity, intuition, and healing abilities for the benefit of humanity as a whole. If your first name adds to the Master number 11/2 you have individual and personal lessons to learn in the realms of healing, creativity, and spirituality. The ultimate lesson to be mastered: To act with a loving attitude, be a peacemaker, and focus on win/win scenarios across the board. Key themes: love, diplomacy, serving group dynamics, emotional sensitivity, partnership.You may also feel challenged with childishness, aggressiveness, or inability to work with others. Since these are personal lessons, chances are you’ll experience challenges with the following themes: You may struggle with being overly sensitive, a “doormat,” or lack an identity outside of what you feel others think about you. If your first name adds to number 2 you have individual and personal lessons to learn in the realms of diplomacy and expertly serving group dynamics. The ultimate lesson to be mastered: To act as a creative innovator, step into leadership roles, and achieve in the world. Key themes: leadership, self-confidence, “failing forward,” innovation, creativity.You may also feel challenged with lack of self-confidence, addictions, or lacking initiative. Since these are personal lessons, chances are you’ll experience challenges with the following themes: You may struggle with being over-bearing, self-important, or controlling. If your first name adds to number 1 you have individual and personal lessons to learn in the realms of leadership and achievement through originality.

my name in numerology

If your first name were Phoebe, you’d have individual and personal lessons to learn that are attributes of the number 33/6. Notice in this example, 33 is a Master number and so this should be taken into consideration before reducing to a one-digit number. Remember, each letter corresponds with a number in Numerology – and we’re using Pythagorean Numerology in this example. Our first name indicates the personal and individual lessons we’re here to learn about and act upon. In that spirit, we’re going to take a look at your first name and investigate what it might indicate about you. And often it’s fun to break things down into pieces. And many of us keep our given name all our lives. Many people change their names – for professional, personal, marital, or spiritual reasons. Can you not only hear – can you feel – the difference? Numerologically, the original imprint for “Reginald Kenneth Dwight” remains in tact all of his life, yet the name “Elton John” offers an additional energy that appears to have been beneficial to Sir Elton’s life and career. (I’ll wait…) Now say “Elton John” three times. Say “Reginald Kenneth Dwight” three times. For example, it’s interesting to think about whether Elton John would have made it as a famous musician if he’d kept his given name, Reginald Kenneth Dwight. Therefore, when our name is spoken, it carries a particular frequency with it. We don’t have to believe it’s working in order for it to be operating. I like to say it’s like gravity, cell phone reception, or the Cloud.

my name in numerology

Pythagoras (and others) reminds us that sound, tone, and frequency carry with it vibration and that vibration is imprinted with meaning and influence, whether we know it or not. It’s also good to note that one of the key concepts in Numerology has to do with frequency and vibration – with energy. E ach letter of our name holds significance and is used to calculate various aspects of our chart. And it’s interesting and enlightening to learn how Numerology offers insight into our personalities and life purpose based on our name. Our name has more impact on our lives than we can imagine. What’s the first question people ask a toddler? “What’s your name?” And the second question is often “And how old are you?” Funny how these are the two primary pieces of information we need to calculate and create our Numerology profile. What do we hear every day from the moment we’re born? Our name – our first name. PinOur name has obvious and subtle influences on our lives.

My name in numerology